Welcome To bHIP Boston

Sunday, October 24, 2010

bHIP Power


My Name is Rick R. McLaughlin, I'd like to Welcome you to my Blog. Here you will be able to get all the latest news about my Company bHIP Global and Our Products. 

The Junk Drink Revolution!!

Did you know Americans spend over $70 million a day on Energy Drinks? As the economy continues to struggle and more and more Americans find themselves getting 2nd and 3rd jobs just to make ends meet, The Energy Drink Business has skyrocketed. As the work day gets longer and longer, we need WHAT? More Energy!! Companies like Monster, Red Bull, Amp, and Full Throttle have seen an exponential increase in sales over the past few years. What a lot of us don't realize is, these Energy Drinks or JUNK Drinks as we call it are not good for you. They are filled with harmful chemicals and preservatives and can have some serious side effects on your Health. What is even more concerning, is that Energy Drinks have become the #1 preferred drink amongst Teenager's!! Our teens rather pop open a can of Monster than a can of Soda. This is a TREND that needs to STOP!! Our children are still developing at this age and the constant consumption of these Energy Drinks are not good on their ever changing bodies. A well known dentist in Oklahoma has compared drinking Energy Drinks to Drinking Battery Acid. Over the past year or so, she has noticed an increase of tooth decay in her teenage patients. When asked what has changed in their diets, almost all said they now drink Energy Drinks. We here at bHIP Global feel we have the solution to combat this problem. It's called bHIP Energy Blend. bHIP Energy is 100% All Natural and completely free of those harmful chemicals and preservatives. Made up of only vitamins, minerals, and herbs bHIP Energy is indeed the Healthy Alternative to those JUNK DRINKS, delivering the World's first " Herbal Clean Energy " formula. Try It..Feel It..Share It.. For a Free Sample of bHIP Energy Send me an Email at rpmmcl@comcast.net Also to learn more about bHIP Global visit my website www.2bfit.bhipglobal.com 

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